In the latest G.I.Joe Hasbro Pulse fanstream, Hasbro’s G.I. Joe team announced the start of a new HasLab campaign, Operation: Dragonfly. The latest HasLab campaign is for backers to help fund the creation of the first G.I.Joe Classified Series G.I. Joe Assault Copter Dragonfly (XH-1).
The great news is that the new HasLab campaign has already blown past its initial funding threshold in just over a day. That means anyone who backed the campaign and anyone who backs it from here on out is guaranteed to get the new Dragonfly. You can check out the Pulse fanstream announcing the new Operation: Dragonfly campaign below:
The new Dragonfly Copter needed 10,000 backers to reach its initial funding goal. That means once 10,000 people pledged to buy and pre-order the new six-inch scale vehicle, Hasbro would give it the green light and move forward to produce it.
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The new HasLab project surpassed its initial goal of 10,000 backers in just a little over a day after it was announced. Thus far, the Hasbro G.I. Joe brand has had a very good track record in funding its HasLab projects. The first HasLab G.I. Joe project was the G.I. Joe Skystriker, which received more than 15,000 of its 10,000 needed backers. The item shipped earlier this year.
The new Skystriker was created for a retro 3 3/4″ scale for the iconic toy line, unlike the next project. Next up was the G.I. Joe Classified Series Cobra H.I.S.S. Tank. The H.I.S.S. Tank HasLab project more than tripled its needed 8,000 backers to receive a green light. The project was funded less than a day after it was announced and easily met all of its stretch goals, totaling more than 26,000 backers. As part of the Classified Series for the G.I. Joe brand, this vehicle was built for the six-inch scale and will be packed with several exclusive figures.

The new Operation: Dragonfly vehicle has an anticipated release in the Summer of 2024. It’s currently priced at $274.99. That doesn’t include taxes and shipping. However, that price is also lower than $299.99 for the Classified Series H.I.S.S. Tank.
The deadline to back the Dragonfly project will be 11:59 PM ET on July 17. That means the only way to get this product from Hasbro is by pre-ordering from now until the deadline on July 17, since HasLab products are made to order.

The Dragonfly Copter will be passed with the first-ever Classified version of the classic G.I. Joe character William Hardy, aka Wild Bill. The new figure has a premium deco, tailing, and articulation for great possibility. Wild Bill also comes with his own accessories, including a removable hat and hairpiece, along with his trademark revolver pistols.
Meanwhile, the Dragonfly Copter is the ultimate G.I. Joe vehicle. Seeing how the last HasLab project for the Classified series was a Cobra vehicle, it makes sense that the next one was made for the Joes. Here are the key features of the Dragonfly Copter:
- Elaborately detailed Command Cockpit Interior: The copter pilot and gunner sit buckled with a 4-point harness in front of specialized illuminated instrument control panels. You can pose each figure operating the center, floor-mounted control stick, and throttle controls maneuvering around and locking in on an oncoming H.I.S.S.
- Detachable “Gull-wing” Canopy: The vehicle comes with a “gull-wing” functioning canopy with a forward port entry for the gunner and rear starboard entry for the pilot. The canopy detaches for easier access.
- Multiple Customizable Armaments: Customize your XH-1 loadout with detachable weapon accessories:
- 2 Creeper missiles
- 2 70MM unguided rocket launchers
- 2 Jester Missile racks to hold 8 Jester Missiles
- Removable laser-guided stationary 160MM Cannon Pod with belt-fed ammo that connects to the port side of the chopper
- Functioning Hoist: The attachment points fit a removable hoist with a rotating dial that extends or retracts a cable and rescue hook for infiltration and extraction or rescue ops.
- Cannon Details: The 25MM Dragonbreath Rotary Nose Cannon rotates and can pivot up and down; and twin X-551 Mini-Cannon details below the cockpit increase the XH-1’s powerful attack capabilities.
- 6 Blast Effects: 2 small effects fit the X-551 Mini-Cannons, the Dragonbreath Rotary Cannon, or trail behind the 70MM unguided rocket launchers; 2 medium effects attach to the Cannon Pod or the rear of the Jester and Creeper missile accessories; 2 large effects attach behind the missile accessories and to the wing pegs.
- Removable Access Panels: Access panels detach to reveal engine details.
- Hinged Cannon Access Doors: Doors lower showing the inner workings of the twin X-551 60MM Mini-Cannon accessories and act as a step to pose your figures ascending into the cockpit.
- Movable V Tail Wing: The vertical tail fin rotates from 90 degrees to 45 to assist in maneuverability.
- Adjustable Stabilizer Wings: Rear stabilizers pivot up and down.
- Counter Rotating Coaxial Turbine Detail: The snap-on Counter Rotation Turbine cover swivels to silence and direct the turbine thrust.
- Engine Cover Exhaust Vents: Flared exhaust port design details provide the XH-1 with high-speed stability.
- Clear Display Stand: The transparent 10-inch-high display stand has a 15-degree angle allowing you to pose your Attack Copter as though it’s hovering in the air, either climbing or descending. The base is decorated with a modern take on the classic DF-1 roundel.
- Sticker Sheet: Personalize your Assault Copter fleet with consumer-applied labels for customization.
So now that the HasLab campaign has met its initial funding threshold, the question is, what comes next? Well, there are three “stretch” goals if the campaign meets some additional backer thresholds, the first of which has already been revealed. At 13,000 backers, Hasbro will also provide backers with a second Classified series action figure: G.I. Joe Night Force member and Paratrooper Wallace Weems, aka Ripcord. You can get a more expanded look at the upcoming Dragonfly Copter, along with the upcoming Wild Bill and Ripcord figures in the gallery below:

With the campaign nearing 11,000 backers as of Tuesday, it looks like it will more than easily meet the required threshold for Ripcord. The next two thresholds will come in if the campaign meets 16,000 backers and then 19,000 backers. So if the campaign meets all of its thresholds, backers are guaranteed to get four brand-spanking-new, exclusive figures for the G.I. Joe Classified series. Considering Classified figures are generally priced at $24.99 at the moment, that is basically a value of $100 on top of receiving a gigantic, six-inch scale vehicle.
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The G.I. Joe brand team has been hitting it out of the park as of late with the Classified series, and it looks like Operation: Dragonfly will not be an exception. Not to mention, the G.I. Joe toyline is now three-for-three in getting HasLab campaign successfully funded. Now, all that’s left is for the Dragonfly to meet the stretch goals, which will hopefully be revealed soon.
Hasbro’s G.I. Joe brand team will be revealing more details on mystery stretch items for Operation: Dragonfly later on. With Comic-Con International on the horizon, Hasbro is sure to have a presence there and provide some updates on the Dragonfly during the Hasbro G.I. Joe panel. Meanwhile, fans who backed the Cobra H.I.S.S. HasLab project can expect their item to ship later this fall.
What do you think about the news? Have you backed Hasbro’s Operation: Dragonfly HasLab campaign? Do you plan on backing it, or do you plan on waiting to see what the mystery stretch goal figures will be? Let us know what you think about the news on The Illuminerdi’s social media!
SOURCE: Hasbro
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