Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 adapts the TTRPG beyond expectation, teasing fans with incredible nostalgic scenes and hints for more. The latest comic from Boom! Studios returns the iconic Ranger series that was live-streamed on HyperRPG, providing a seamless continuation of the unique Power Rangers series. Melissa Flores and Meghan Camarena have captured each character’s essence, while Federico Sabbatini has shown his amazing skill at filling in the blanks left by an oral-orientated story.
Power Rangers Hyperforce was released as the first Table-Top Role-Playing Game series for Power Rangers and the 25th anniversary of the franchise. HyperRPG released the first season, which consisted of 25 episodes from October 2023 to April 2018. The series was an interactive live stream on Twitch that allowed the cast to shape their characters and the events of the first season through improvisation, leading to many unexpected moments and insane shenanigans. The new comic was revealed on April 19, revealing that the original Ranger series would return after 5 years since the first season aired.
The following content may contain spoilers relating to the comic that has been recently released by Boom! Studios.
Hyperforce Graphic Novel is an intense continuation providing life to the TTRPG
RELATED: Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 Preview Pages Unleashed Featuring Pink Battle Warrior
Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 was co-written by the Hyperforce Pink Ranger from the TTRPG series, Meghan Camarena, as Melissa Flores writes the team in preparation for her 30th anniversary event. The comic straight away startles the audience as the comic dives into Chloe’s change in allegiance and reveals a divided team. The finale of the HyperRPG’s 1st season is picked up and pushed forward as the next installment finally arrives, mixing a continuation with the nostalgia of past events.
Drama instantly unfolds as Camarena foretold

Chloe is the best choice to start as the drama of past events helps provide the ground to kick off the story, which fans have been waiting for. Mr. Ashford had warped the mind of Chloe, with Camarena finally getting to explore the broken side of her character after the Season 1 finale. The cracks left by the cliffhanger were filled in well and fleshed out so many answers fans have been waiting for. Jack and Chloe were also given such warm moments together, allowing them to finally interact more compared to the first season and deepen their bond.
RELATED: Top 5 Highly Anticipated Features in Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1
The relationship between Chloe and Mr. Ashford plays a key role in the story, as the graphic novel continues from the aftermath of the TTRPG. Seeing the torn judgment of Chloe as she is swayed by her Father’s words added a dramatic twist, especially when she realizes that he won’t stop causing damage. Her emotional outburst even forces Vesper to drop down a notch from her overly careless attitude, allowing the team to feel the weight of events. The tie-in to Empress Vile also produced the perfect link that aligns interests, as Mr. Ashford demonstrates his warped sense of loyalty towards her.
Capturing Characters From TTRPG to Comic

This is not the first time the Hyperforce Rangers have debuted in the format, as they did crossover for the Shattered Grid event. However, this is the first time the characters have been fully captured as they take the spotlight in their own release. Chloe’s dramatic range of emotion and wit are captured exactly as hoped, including her dig about a “Red Ranger without a Battlizer”, but Jack’s caring and mindfulness perfectly balanced her chaotic mental state. Jack has always been portrayed by Paul Schrier as the team’s heart that also keeps them focused, so it was brilliant they kept his profile strong.
Vesper was not spared her erratic genius as the writers manage to somehow capture her essence, way better than anyone could expect. Cristina Vee was always portraying Vesper as unpredictable and spontaneously hilarious, yet somehow the story reflected her choices better than fans could predict. Marv, Joe, and Eddie have also given highlights of their character, as the ultimate package that couldn’t honor the original story better. So many little interactions and moments completed the adaptation, and even Sabbatini perfectly brought life to Mr. Ashford, Santa’s Elf, and even Alliance members.
First-Time Reveals & Iconic Locations

Many fans have already seen the fantastic work of Federico Sabbatini as he finally provides the form of Pink Battle Warrior, the Battlizer mode of Hyperforce Pink. The comic also allowed fans to finally see the Hyper Time Ship that was unique to the series, including a stealth-fighter aesthetic to the design. Although there were no Zord or Megazord debuts, it was a blessing to see many moves, weapons, and scenes visually existing.
However, more treats were in-store as each page was turned, including the various locations that had only been described during the TTRPG. This includes the brilliant use of the North Pole and the Arthurian time zone woven into the story, allowing fans to finally see their debut visually. These additions allow the audience to revisit episode 8 and episode 11 from the first season. As there are many locations that fans would have wanted to see, it was fantastic to see just a sample of beloved moments from the 1st season.
Unforgettable Interactions and Intense Actions

Alpha 55 was also given a perfect return as the character was only portrayed by the Game Master. It was a relief to see this ally wasn’t overlooked as many interactions were featured, including the passive humor witnessed between Chloe and the robot when partially disassembled. Vesper commenting about Santa’s HR, interrupting Eddie’s wedding, and being the sole user of her ‘detached arm’ showcased exactly how you transfer a TTRPG into a comic. Marv and Joe did impact the story during their brief time in the spotlight since their interactions helped Chloe back onto the right path.
The range of action featured in the comic allowed so many highlighted confrontations such as Chloe’s fight against Jack, Vesper helping Santa against the Naughties, and even the escape with Eddie as the team are attacked by knights. The Rangers calling out special moves also fit incredibly well since the TTRPG required actions to be vocal. However, the greatest fight scenes occurred with Mr. Ashford and his army, which didn’t conclude the war. This was a brilliant choice as it opens more possibilities for the next release and reflects on the overwhelming difficulty the cast faced as players.
Minor Differences from Original

Although a fantastic adaptation, there were minor changes that were made that didn’t fully adapt as expected. This includes the Hyperforce team morph and the ‘Pink Battle Warrior’ transformation, which are minor details in the grand design. The team Morph image did not include the wireframe transformation and replaced “Hyperforce, Ready” with “Power Rangers Hyperforce”. Having a slight change to the Morph is understandable but fans would have appreciated the accuracy if achieved.
For the Battlizer, Camarena often said “Pink Battle Warrior” to activate her Battlizer in the TTRPG, which was a reference to the similar mode in Power Rangers Time Force. This was excluded but at least the comic did highlight the power-up as a Battlizer. These variations may be minor differences, but it would have been an untouchable adaptation if these original calls were added. Despite these differences, the fundamental qualities of the Ranger series were applied, which included character quirks and remarkable lines written as if they were invented by the other members of the cast.
Beautiful Tease And Link to More
It is unbelievable how much has been delivered in such a small set of pages, but Flores and Camarena have managed to deliver a treasured new chapter for the Hyperforce Rangers. The graphic novel contains so many references and character-focused moments, which were expected to only be possible if the TTRPG was given a 2nd Season. It was a gift to be proven wrong and the lead into the Darkest Hour event could not be stronger, but the minor differences do take 2% off from perfection.
As such an incredible story continuation and TTRPG adaptation, Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 deserves the rating of 9 out of 10.
Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1 is now available with the main cover and 2 variants available at local comicbook stores. A special foil varient cover is also available via Boom! Direct, while stocks last. The Hyperforce Rangers will continue their story in the Darkest Hour comic event, which starts with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #110.
About Power Rangers Unlimited: Hyperforce #1

Writers: Melissa Flores, Meghan Camarena
Illustrated by: Federico Sabbatini
Colored by: Bryan Valenza
Lettered By: Ed Dukeshire
Main Cover by: Keyla Valerio
Varient Covers by: Keyla Valerio, Goñi Montes, Inhyuk Lee, Steve Morris
Publisher: Boom! Studios
Designer: Nancy Mojica
Assistant Editor: Kenzie Rzonca
Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
Mistress Vile, formerly known as Rita Repulsa, and Dark Specter have invaded the Morphin Grid! As the dark contagion spreads and puts the Rangers in their most vulnerable state yet, the HyperForce Rangers will have to scour the multiverse for as many unexpected allies as they can, while they’re pushed to their limits…
What do you think of the Hyperforce graphic novel? Do you think this was a perfect adaptation and continuation of the TTRPG? Are you excited for more during the Darkest Hour comic event? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers, we’re always watching.
Source: Boom! Studios