After 30 years, the trailer for Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is free! Now it’s time to conquer Netflix, or at the very least, tease the devoted fandom for what looks to be a Cosmically Furious time.
We’re weeks away from seeing the Power Rangers return to take down Lord Zedd once and for all with a new red ranger, old and new rangers, new zords, and more fury than ever before, specifically of the Cosmic variety. Now before we can partake in all ten episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury on Netflix, we have this new trailer to serve as an appetizer courtesy of Netflix.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Trailer
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As you can see, there’s a lot going on. Four Cosmic Fury Rangers are seen giving their new powers a test run at first with Ollie and Zayto nowhere to be seen. We’re not going to discuss too many spoilers here although most of you reading this already know, however, we are going to discuss a few spoilers nonetheless.
So if any of you newcomers don’t know what’s going on with Ollie and Zayto and don’t wish to be spoiled, now is a good time to exit this article. You’re more than welcome to return to this article after you’ve seen the show.
Stronger Than Before… Cool Cool Coolio!

Okay, let’s start with Zayto. As brief as it all is, we finally see him in action as the “Ghost Ranger” and the Zenith Ranger.
The last time we saw Zayto he was resurrected by the Morphin Masters as the “Ghost Ranger” after sacrificing himself to save his team and the world in the sophomore season finale of Power Rangers Dino Fury.
Now he’s back as the Zenith Ranger even more powerful than ever with the staff of a Morphin Master no less. Is he a Morphin Master now? We don’t know, we’ll have to wait to find out. All we can do for now is sit back, relax, and drink a nice glass of champagne.
Breaking Blue

What’s going on with Ollie? Sadly The Blue Ranger is singing the blues once again under the influence of Lord Zedd. Seeing him in the trailer by the side of the villains seemingly confirms our exclusive about him turning evil.

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Speaking of blue, Billy and Ollie won’t be the only Blue Rangers in Cosmic Fury as we’ll be meeting a darker shade of blue in none other than Heckyll, The Dark Ranger. We’ve seen him in Dino Supercharge, and we’ve seen him become the Dark Ranger in the comics, but we’ve never seen him become the Dark Ranger in the show until now. Getting a glimpse at the Dark Ranger dealing out justice at one of Zedd’s cronies was a special treat confirming another one of our exclusives.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Official Synopsis

Lord Zedd has escaped, and this time his rampage extends to the farthest reaches of space! The Rangers need to find new Zords and new powers to face Zedd’s latest threat, and they won’t do so alone. Joined by some familiar faces, they will discover the power of the Cosmic Orbs and become the Cosmic Fury Rangers, armed with new uniforms, new weapons, and an entirely new fleet of Zords! Go Go, Power Rangers!
Courtesy of Hasbro and EOne via Netflixlife
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Power Rangers Cosmic Fury stars Hunter Deno as Amelia Jones the Red Ranger, Russell Curry as Zayto the Zenith Ranger, Kai Moya as Ollie Akana the Blue Ranger, Tessa Rao as Izzy Garcia the Green Ranger, Chance Perez as Javi Garcia the Black Ranger, Jordon Fite as Aiyon the Gold Ranger, Jacqueline Joe as Fern the Orange Ranger, David Yost as Billy Cranston the original Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger and unidentified actor as Lord Zedd.
All ten episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be out on Netflix on September 29th.
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