
Hasbro’s Power Rangers Movie Bears Strong Similarities To The Solar Ranger Storyline

The Power Rangers have been Morphin in and out of young children’s homes and their families for over 20 years. The franchise has had extremely high points and has also suffered low points in its time. With the change of how families and children view their television programs with the growth of streaming services, the ratings of Power Rangers are not as strong as it was in the early ’90s.

Now as the 2020’s begin we see a new direction for the franchise that has been placed in the hands of Hasbro and see what they will do as they attempt to leave their footprint in the Power Rangers universe.

Hasbro is working to bring some new blood to the mix with their ongoing movie project of the franchise. As reported on The Illuminerdi, Hasbro is working to make a new Power Ranger motion picture that will have no connection to the previous movie that was released in 2017. Let’s take a step back and look at that moment.

A Look Back at the 2017 Power Rangers Movie

power rangers 2017 movie

The movie took a new modern approach to the characters and setting that many of us grew up on in 1993. It had its moments both good and bad, one being a new approach to the backstory of the original five. It also had some questionable moments which is left to personal speculation.

The movie failed to make a profit, however, it did bring in a variety of fans young and old but unfortunately, that was not enough to warrant a sequel. Follow me, because I think I am going somewhere here. The movie made a crucial and necessary first step. Before this, the last Power Rangers was in 1997 and that didn’t help the franchise, it actually almost killed the franchise. Before that however was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie.


It took the series on a fantastic leap in the theaters and it was quite the feature as a kid to watch. Looking back at it as an adult, it … had its moments. So, the question now is what’s the point of this recap? The movies made an impact, it may not seem like a big one or a great significant one, but it made it, nonetheless.

Hasbro Moves Into The Future of Power Rangers

Hasbro Reveals New Power Rangers Logo - Power Rangers NOW

Now we have Hasbro working to follow and improve after the 2017 release. We have reported that the movie will be in the same continuity of the 28 years of power rangers and the worlds that they have made. The movie will introduce characters that not only will have types of powers, colors, and zords but will also be time traveling to the ’90s.

So far it may sound like Hasbro is trying to give Power Rangers a “Back to The Future” motif for its film but that might not the case.

Fans and readers will recall that the two Power Ranger comics Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers had a comic event known as Shattered Grid. The plot was a version of Tommy Oliver who was recruited as the Green Ranger by Rita continued onward as a warrior of evil and was causing chaos among many worlds.


He had been defeated and the worlds that suffered had to be repaired. A spin-off of the event Beyond the Grid features Rangers from various seasons such as Zeo, Dino Charge, etc. The rangers travel together to find a way to get back to their homes and meet a new person who gives their powers a new power source and they become solar rangers who take on a new evil that is still out there.

Where Do The Solar Rangers Fit Into The Story?

Power Rangers: How Beyond the Grid Brought Generations Together

Sounds familiar? This storyline does sound awfully close to the potential plot of Hasbro’s movie. This would be a great way to not only use the previous teams of Rangers that have aired over time but also give way to new characters and situations that haven’t been touched yet.

The movie will be releasing different looks and zords throughout the timeline, major aspect of the Promethea/Solar Rangers. Each ranger in Beyond the Grid had their own zord from their series.

Seeing those zords once again reimagined and on the big screen makes fans of other series who may not remember Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as much as they may remember a series they first watched like Power Rangers Dino Thunder or Power Rangers Super Samurai.


No matter what happens the movie will make an impact it may not be the next Titanic or Avengers but if fans support the movie it will leave an impact no matter what. So, let’s keep our heads high for this next addition in the Power Ranger movie universe.

What do you think of this theory? Does this make you more or less excited for Hasbro’s upcoming Power Rangers movie? Let us know in the comments below make sure you stick with The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers news and content in the future!



Picture of Jon Gatewood

Jon Gatewood

A proud member and writer for The Illuminerdi. If not writing here, then watching shows like Power Rangers, Law & Order, Real Time With Bill Maher, or I am traveling about this country.