
Power Rangers: Jonathan Entwhistle Confirms Fresh New Team For The Eagerly Anticipated Reboot

The driving force responsible for developing a collection of new Power Rangers movies and series for Netflix, Jonathan Entwistle, confirmed that we are getting a never-before-seen team in the upcoming reboot via Instagram.
Jonathan Entwistle Netflix Power Rangers Reboot

Jonathan Entwhistle, the architect of the new Power Rangers universe, delivered a surprising message to the Ranger Nation. The director let everyone know that it’s time for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and all other past Ranger teams to step aside and make way for a new spectrum of heroes for the upcoming Power Rangers reboot on Netflix.

Jonathan Entwistle surprised everyone by confirming that we are getting a never-before-seen team in the upcoming reboot via Instagram, responding to a fan page asking followers about what season they would like to see be developed in a movie.

This news isn’t surprising to us; we’ve known about this for a while, but for those of you who were not aware, you can breathe a sigh of relief if you’ve grown fatigued over the oversaturation of Mighty Morphin. However, this will disappoint those who are still attached to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

An Official Announcement Is On The Horizon

Hasbro Power Rangers And Other Characters

Hasbro has been remarkably quiet about the reboot lately; however, we expect that to change soon in the next couple of weeks. Twitter user Jinsakuu has been mainly leaking accurate information on the reboot. Recently he tweeted about how soon we can expect to see official news reported by the renowned trade, Deadline, and what to expect from the incoming post.

After attending Hasbro’s latest Earnings call, I’ve been expecting them to officially announce Entwhistle’s Power Rangers reboot due to comments made by one of Hasbro’s representatives. That appears to no longer be the case; however, we can speculate that we will be hearing official news no later than the next couple of weeks. The month is not yet over, though. It is worth mentioning that Jonathan Entwhistle was caught liking Jinsakuu’s tweet.

Our Ideas For Probable Movie Titles And Plot Details

Power Ranger 2017 Movie Cast

Now that we’re all closer than ever to finding out what Entwhistle has been weaving with his own mythology to play with, let’s have some fun bathing in the metaphorical rivers of speculation as we discuss what we expect the film to be called and share with you our ideas for the plot.


Before we go any further, please remember that nothing beyond this point is confirmed, official, or even rumored. These movie titles and plot details we’re about to discuss are purely ideas on our behalf.

1) Power Rangers: Evolution

kyuranger 2019 super sentai

The future of Power Rangers on television as we know it is about to change. Other than the word ‘morph,’ which is not uncommon to Power Rangers, there is no better word to describe change than evolution. Evolution would not only feature a new team or universe but an entirely new Morphin Grid altogether. Since we’re getting a new universe, we don’t know the perimeters of the Morphin Grid for Entwhistle’s vision. It would be interesting to see how he explores the Morphin Grid in the upcoming film.

2) Power Rangers: New Destiny

Bioman Super Sentai

In my mind, New Destiny would draw inspiration from the Power Rangers: Day of Destiny roleplaying tabletop game. New Destiny will revisit Angel Grove in the 90s and introduce a brand new team as our “first” Power Rangers; there’d be a catch, though this team won’t be another version of Mighty Morphin.

3) Power Rangers: Rebirth

Changeman Super Sentai Power Rangers

Rebirth would take somewhat of a multiversal direction. It would follow dying rangers from another earth who end up in this one and transfer their powers to their counterparts or “variants,” as Marvel would describe them.

This would ensure a way for their legacy to live on and give Earth a fighting chance against evil forces including sinister variants of the Rangers themselves.


4) The Power Rangers

As our elders would say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” ‘The’ is a simple and effective word to make the movie stand out while establishing dominance. As much as I’ve enjoyed writing all that fan-fiction above, I have no idea this time around. This is just a clean slate that we’re already getting from Entwhistle.

Jonathan Entwhistle I Am Not Okay With This Netflix Power Rangers Hasbro EOne

It will be interesting to see whatever Jonathan Entwhistle has planned for the reboot. For a franchise that has been running for nearly twenty-nine years and counting, Power Rangers is in desperate need of some renovations so that the world can realize its full potential; luckily, that’s what Jonathan Entwhistle is here for.

Entwhistle sees Power Rangers for what it can be, and he knows that there is an exciting realm of possibilities waiting to be explored. The fact that he pitched an entire universe instead of just one movie or series shows his ambition, which we, as fans of Power Rangers, can appreciate.

“This is an unbelievable opportunity to deliver new Power Rangers to both new and existing generations of awaiting and adoring fans. We’ll bring the spirit of analog into the future, harnessing the action and storytelling that made this brand a success. I’m looking forward to working with the teams at eOne and Hasbro. Together, we can’t wait to share more Power Rangers with the world very soon.”

Jonathan Entwhistle via Deadline

Are you looking forward to seeing Jonathan Entwhistle’s vision unfold? What do you expect to see? Let us know in the comments. If you like what you read, be sure to follow us on Twitter or Facebook, so you don’t miss any more Power Rangers content like this in the future!


Source: TheMorphingGrid, Jinsakuu


Picture of Moriba Forde

Moriba Forde

I'm a writer, Co-Founder, and CEO of Moriviews. I live in Trinidad, I have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology but my real passions lie in literature and content spanning across film & television. I've been a pretty good writer for most of my life and I grew up in front of a TV and loved it. I decided to make a career combining my literary and analytical skills, and one day, God-willingly, I'll be making my own movies.