Batwoman: First Look At Javicia Leslie In The Traditional Batsuit
The time has come for our new Batwoman to suit up.
The time has come for our new Batwoman to suit up.
Hasbro Pulse Con continued today as the panel on the Power Rangers took the stage today. The team at Hasbro came on and revealed the official shots of the next wave was presented and some new surprises. So, let us take a look. Hasbro Pulse Con Reveals The team introduced the “retro” power rangers’ line…
The best sources are always eagle-eyed fans in the ranger community. We have obtained photos from lightning collection detective @Martian_Ranger. The next wave of figures including the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, dino thunder red ranger, and a Z Putty Patroller. Lightning Collection Wave 7 Found on EBAY!#PowerRangers #LightningCollection pic.twitter.com/sq1j1YsNJ0 — Julian Do (@Martian_Ranger) September 24,…
Melissa Benoist is preparing to take flight as the Girl of Steel one last time, as the final season of Supergirl is coming next year.
The Power Rangers Lightning Collection has been rocking and rolling since the first figure came and now as we approach the next number of waves to hit, the company is making some well-deserved headway. After releasing the White Dino Thunder Ranger figure many of them have missed the black outline around the visor and fans…
Well ranger fans, picture this. A monster is giving the mighty Morphin Megazord a run for its money. The only option is to summon the green ranger and his powerful Dragonzord. For that to happen, you need to pull out that Dragon Dagger, and thanks to Hasbro and their Lightning Collection you can have one…
Well Ranger fans, it is time to pull out your magnifying glasses and your best sherlock homes impression. The hunt for the Power Rangers Lightning Collection Wave 9. That is right the ninth wave is going to go off with a BANG! Youtuber and Lightning Collection detective @LightningFigPR released an emergency video about new codes…
Brian Michael Bendis is bringing his take on the Man Of Steel to an end sooner than later, which his final Superman and Action Comics issues coming in December.
The world is ready to see Gal Gadot return as Diana Prince, but they have to wait longer for Wonder Woman 1984, which has been pushed back to December 25.