Hello Ranger Nation, the self-proclaimed great emperor of all evil has returned. That’s right, Lord Zedd has been revived, he caused quite a commotion for the Dino Fury Rangers before venturing off into the far ends of the cosmos. We probably won’t see him again in Power Rangers Dino Fury but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of him in the grand lore of Power Rangers. I’m sure he’ll be back with all his wrath to teach the “Power Ninnies” a lesson or two about respecting their elders.
Recently, various sources leaked news about Lord Zedd’s unexpected return in Power Rangers Dino Fury and we saw that come to pass in episode 14. Hold on, I know some of you may be asking questions like, “How is this possible?”, “Isn’t he human now?”, “Doesn’t he wear a sweatshirt now?” First of all, this is Power Rangers, any and everything is possible, don’t worry about whether or not it makes sense. However, rest assured knowing that questions are indeed answered to an extent as episode 14 addresses the elephant in the room, but a few unanswered questions remain.
A furious Lord Zedd departs at the end of episode 14, so it’s possible and very likely that he will return again at some point within the foreseeable future. Considering Hasbro’s supposed plans for the upcoming Power Rangers film, I suspect that we’ll see Zedd re-emerge on a grander scale, and I think that Hasbro may have provided us with the first piece of the puzzle in Power Ranger Dino Fury.
What We Know About Lord Zedd in the Power Rangers Movie So Far

My colleagues here were among the first to divulge the details about the upcoming Power Rangers movie, they disclosed Lord Zedd as the primary antagonist for the feature film. Time travel was said to factor into the movie according to THR, considering how the film will be canon to the TV show, I’m assuming Lord Zedd travels back in time and kills the rangers which would serve as a catalyst for the new team of Power Rangers to travel back into the ’90s. However, I may be wrong about that theory because it’s possible that the script has been rewritten.
Be that as it may, I still think that Lord Zedd’s return in Power Rangers Dino Fury sets forth a series of events into motion that will culminate in the film, if not, a new series, or some event for the 30th anniversary.
Dino Fury does a good job reintroducing Lord Zedd, he’s not watered down as I expected him to be, he’s as menacing as he was in his prime before he married Rita and became somewhat of a “simp” as the kids say nowadays. If Hasbro can do so much justice to Lord Zedd on Power Rangers Dino Fury, I can only imagine what they can do with him on a larger medium, I hope to see his potential capitalized in the future.

Only time will tell what the future has in store for the Power Rangers and I can’t wait to see it. Share your thoughts or theories with us down in the comments. If you like what you’ve read and can’t wait for more, feel free to follow us on social media. Thank you for the reading and may the power protect you.