Joss Whedon finally speaks out after Ray Fisher and the rest of the Justice League cast has shared their unpleasant experience working with him.
Joss Whedon has made some really good projects, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers, and Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, he’s been accused by multiple actors and actresses of misconduct on set, and sexual harassment by a crew member. Ray Fisher has alleged that he was harassed because of his race on the set of Justice League, as has Gal Gadot (though for different reasons). Multiple people familiar with the situation have supported the allegations, calling them “fully correct”. Not a single source has said that Whedon is innocent, which has led many to believe that the allegations are indeed true.
If those claims weren’t enough, a crew member on Buffy the Vampire Slayer has alleged that he made sexual comments to her on-set. Whether this is true or not, it certainly puts a bad look on Joss Whedon. Whedon’s stayed silent for a while on these allegations, not wanting to stir up too much bad publicity for himself, but recently, he had an interview scheduled and took the opportunity to shame Ray Fisher and other accusers.
Joss Whedon Says That Ray Fisher Is A “Bad Actor” As Explanation For Screen Time Reduction

In a recent interview with Vulture, Joss Whedon took the opportunity to speak on allegations that he has abused Ray Fisher and Gal Gadot on the set of Justice League, back in 2016. Here’s what Whedon had to say:
We’re talking about a malevolent force… We’re talking about a bad actor in both senses.
Joss Whedon on Ray Fisher’s reduced screen time in Justice League
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Wow. Not to be biased here, but that’s a really convenient argument to be throwing at Ray Fisher. The man has accused Whedon of racism, and Gadot has accused Whedon of misogyny. I mean…….kind of a clever excuse, don’t you think? There’s the very real possibility that Whedon is in fact telling the truth, and that his acting performance was the only reason that Fisher’s screen time was severely cut in the film, but all evidence points elsewhere. Whedon will surely have the opportunity to speak about the allegations in the future, and we’ll see what he has to say next time.

Justice League and Zack Snyder’s Justice League are now both streaming on HBO Max. What did you think of this news? Do you think Ray Fisher is a “bad actor”? Are you a fan of Joss Whedon? Let us know by mentioning @The_Illuminerdi on Twitter.
Source: Vulture
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