Two confirmed superheroes appearing in Superman: Legacy are Metamorpho and Mister Terrific. Seemingly, their appearances are meant to show the wider DC universe of the film, but there could definitely be more to their conclusion, as first suggested by
The Terrifics are a team of superheroes composed of Mister Terrific, Plastic Man, Metamorpho and Phantom Girl. The Terrifics were introduced in 2018 in their own title of the same name, exploring the aftermath of DC’s then-recent event, “Dark Nights: Metal.” Looking at The Terrifics’ individual power sets, Plastic Man can stretch himself, Metamorpho can turn his body into any element, Mister Terrific has his T-Spheres and Phantom Girl can phase through solid matter. If isn’t obvious by their powers and names, the team is meant to be a giant reference to Marvel’s Fantastic Four.
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For the upcoming DCU feature, Anthony Carrigan has been cast in the role of Metamorpho. Meanwhile, Edi Gathegi has been cast in the role of Mr. Terrific, aka Michael Holt.
The Terrifics’ lesser-known status, along with having characters that are obscure to general audiences, could make them an ideal team for director James Gunn to use in Superman: Legacy. Gunn is known for bringing out the best qualities in obscure characters, based on his work on the titular team in Guardians of The Galaxy and characters like Polka-Dot Man in The Suicide Squad. While The Terrifics’ inclusion as a team in Superman: Legacy is unconfirmed, it potentially fits Gunn’s style to utilize them.

The Terrifics can potentially be used in Superman: Legacy to show how Superman’s actions bring out the best in the DCU’s other superheroes. Perhaps, the film can depict The Terrifics being goofy and not taking their heroics seriously in the beginning, becoming more responsible by the film’s end because of their adventure with Superman. The Terrifics’ possible comedic antics in Superman: Legacy‘s first act can provide the film with a lot of levity, setting it apart from Superman’s previous films like Man of Steel.
The Terrifics may end up getting their own film in Chapter One or Chapter Two of the DCU if they appear in Superman: Legacy. A film based on The Terrifics would likely adapt the events of their sole comic series to fit the DCU. It’s possible this film that makes the casting conversation more interesting.

Plastic Man and Phantom Girl have not yet been confirmed to appear in Superman: Legacy. However, actors have recently been lobbying to play Plastic Man in Gunn’s new DC Universe, such as Sonic the Hedgehog star Ben Schwartz, who hinted at his interest in portraying Plastic Man on social media last year. Also, the recent casting news of Metamorpho and Mr. Terrific puts half of the team members in the film.
In particular, Plastic Man might be portrayed by a more well-known actor than the others, as the character’s adventures can warrant his own solo film in the future. The speculation on how Mister Terrific and Metamorpho are adapted in Superman: Legacy has me very excited about how The Terrifics can appear in the upcoming film.
That said, this is all just speculation at this point. Not to mention, Mr. Terrific, Metamorpho, and Plastic Man have all been members of the Justice League as well throughout their history. Mr. Terrific has also been a member of the Justice Society of America, and Metamorpho has been a member of The Outsiders. So, there potential for them spinning off into different film franchises or teams other than just The Terrifics.
Superman: Legacy tells the story of Clark Kent, aka Kal-El of Krypton, and his journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent of Smallville, Kansas. He is the embodiment of truth, justice, and the American way, guided by human kindness in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned.

The film is currently scheduled to be released on July 11, 2025. James Gunn is serving as writer and director of the upcoming feature.
What do you think about The Terrifics possibly appearing as a team in Superman: Legacy? Who are the actors you would cast as Plastic Man and Phantom Girl? What other superhero teams are you hoping appear in Superman: Legacy? Let the Illuminerdi know on our social media, we’re always watching.
SOURCE: ComicBookMovie
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