
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Top 10 Ranger Teams We Want To See!

We have listed the top 10 Power Ranger teams we want to see in the upcoming Cosmic Fury season coming to Netflix! Check them out...
power rangers cosmic fury

5) Hyperforce Rangers

Hyperforce Art featured in Boom! Studio Comics and Power Rangers: Heroes Of The Grid Board Game.

From the TTRPG to the comics, the only thing left for this unique and amazing team is a live-action debut. Created by HyperRPG and the Saban team in 2017 for the 25th Anniversary, the cast was one of the greatest additions to the Morphin Grid. Although Melissa Flores has blessed fans with their inclusion in the Darkest Hour event, devoted fans want more than anything to see the team finally debut in the live-action series. This could be any of the 6 Rangers, but Meghan Camarena, Andre Meadows, and Paul Schrier are among the most anticipated.

4) Space Rangers

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As a new Season featuring Space, it would be crazy to exclude the team that brings back so many nostalgic memories. With Andros and Zhane from KO-35 to the Earth Rangers TJ, Cassie, Carlos, and Ashley, the cast practically saved the Power Rangers franchise with a massive end to the Zordon Era. It would also be fitting to include the first time that is renowned for the space theme. The main reason for this choice is that KO-35 was a major part of the story, and this planet would be wonderful to see again, especially since they made Zords like the Mega Winger and the 2nd Astro Megaship.

3) The Lost Galaxy Rangers

This team is comprised of many iconic characters and even featured Karone becoming the Pink Ranger despite being past villain, Astronema. Leo and Karone previously returned for the 20th anniversary, however, the biggest feature of the series was the planet Mirinoi as the Ranger made it their home, with the Space Colony they were protecting. As Bulk managed to return to Earth, it will be interesting to see what has happened to the planet. However, as the Quazar Sabers have such a big lore linked to them, it would also be great to see them return for the 30th Season.

2) SPD – A-Squad or B-Squad

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The SPD Rangers may have had their time during 2025, but the overall inclusion of this team is one of the biggest continuity issues of Ranger history. Unlike Time Force, the Rangers were set in the near future and now the timeline is only 2 years away from officially commencing their story. As Earth saw extra-terrestrials integrated on Earth, this would be a crucial addition to the story. With amazing characters like Doggie Cruger and Kat, there are so many amazing additions that could feature, like Kelson’s other character, Boom.

The events would include the A-Squad before they were evil and even Bridge, Sky, and Syd while they were still cadets. As SPA and the Troobian Empire were referenced in Once & Always with Adam and Aisha, the last piece needed will be the events that link past, present, and future. No matter which squad is selected, both would be amazing features for the 30th anniversary Season for both Story and continuity reasons.

1) Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers

Although they only appeared a short time until Power Rangers Zeo, the Alien Rangers left a mark on the history of Power Rangers. The water-based home planet was never seen and only the Red Ranger returned for the 10th Anniversary, marking an Aquatarian’s last appearance. The Rangers also adapted the unused suits from Kakuranger, despite their Zords being used for Mighty Morphin’s Season 3. With Billy returning with a Wolf Zord reference and the Cosmic Fury Zords adaption much like Season 3 releases, this would be the perfect debut that merges history in one event.

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be released on September 29, 2023, and will be available worldwide via Netflix. The 30th Season of Power Rangers will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the franchise and will consist of 10 episodes.

What do you think of our top 10 Ranger teams? Do you agree with the reasons to include them in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury? What else do you hope to see in the 30th Season? Let us know on social media and keep following The Illuminerdi for more Power Rangers.


Source: Boom! Studios


Picture of Bryn Darby

Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.