The season that Power Rangers fans everywhere are talking about is finally here. Yes, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is here on Netflix for all to witness and celebrate with the team we’ve known and loved since Dino Fury, along with some familiar faces.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is an evolution of Power Rangers Dino Fury with superior storylines, character development, and action sequences with the added bonuses of the hilariously terrifying Lord Zedd and Kyuranger’s stunning Zord footage, all within a shorter space of time with only 10 episodes.
The Evolution That Is Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Despite a plethora of leaks, I must admit: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is certainly not as predictable as I anticipated. This 30th season is a significant improvement from Dino Fury. The moment Cosmic Fury begins, we dive head-first into the thrill and exuberance of Power Rangers.
It’s complemented by beautiful imagery with one immaculate long take until Dino Fury is recapped in a way that slightly dampers a sense of urgency in the first act. Luckily, once the brief recap concludes, the action escalates with the story and the sense of urgency is not only restored but enhanced.

Cosmic Fury marks the first time since Power Rangers In Space that we see a team return to acquire new morphers, suits, etc. after viciously losing their own. Nope, Super Megaforce does not count, their original morphers remained intact. However, the Rangers didn’t lose their powers at the end of their previous season, unlike the ones in the Zordon era, so naturally, we were wondering why their new powers were needed and how they were acquired. Those concerns are addressed at the beginning of Cosmic Fury with time, precision, and cleverness that fans can appreciate.
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The core theme of evolution from Dino Fury continues into Cosmic Fury and well, evolves. I know you’re probably tired of hearing “evo-lution, revo-lution” in the opening credits, but just bear with me. The development of each Ranger was symbiotic with the changes in their powers or status.
Rise Up Power Rangers!

Amelia’s transition from Pink to Red Ranger is not only one of the best moments in this season, it is one of the best moments in the series as a whole. Her newfound responsibility as the Red Ranger is not handed to her, it is thrust to her. Hunter Deno elegantly displays Amelia’s growth while allowing viewers to explore her psyche. Her initial doubts about her being the Red Ranger never impede her duties. Make no mistake, she is more than worthy to wear the color Red.
Zayto’s character development is intertwined with a plot device that will definitely cause divisiveness. Speaking for myself, I am satisfied with the character’s fate. That said, I would have loved to spend more time with Zayto as the Zenith Ranger. Nevertheless, I remained invested in Russell Curry’s portrayal due to the sage aura and stoic heroism that is depicted.
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Now let’s talk about Ollie, my least favorite character. As much as I loathe him, I must admit it is intoxicating seeing him. You can clearly see Kai Moya having the time of his life playing the Blue Ranger in a manner that’s equally entertaining and provoking. Many of you are going to love to hate him. Some of you already do.

Chance Perez and Tessa Rao hold their own as the sibling Black-Green Ranger duo, Javi and Izzy Garcia. What Javi endures is devastatingly heartbreaking and he’s given little to no time to adapt to his unfortunate new situation. Izzy has been feeling helpless and struggling with so much uncertainty as she fears failing to protect the ones she loves, most notably her girlfriend Fern.
Speaking of Fern, her character development is barely substantial. Despite the actress, Jacqueline Joe being promoted to series regular, she is not allowed ample opportunity to showcase her range as Fern does not really have much of an identity of her own. Her character undergoes one interesting development before she’s regulated back to Izzy’s girlfriend and ally to the Rangers.
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Aiyon is a pleasant surprise, he’s grown a lot since Dino Fury. I don’t think Dino Fury did Jordan Fite’s acting justice, as his character was given the same arc repeatedly. It is a relief to have Cosmic Fury show how much Aiyon has matured. He still has a lot to learn in a trying time, but he eventually does so in stride.
The Final Verdict Of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

I thoroughly enjoyed my time watching Power Rangers Cosmic Fury to write this review. However, if you were to ask me whether or not Cosmic Fury is the best season of Power Rangers I’d say no, but it is the best season since Dino Charge, I can indisputably attest to that.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury shines through its plot, character development, and dialogue. However, the pacing could have been improved upon as it felt a bit rushed in the remaining episodes. A slightly higher episode count would have given more room for the story to be explored.
After all that’s said and done, I give Power Rangers Cosmic Fury a score of 7.5/10.
About Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Release Date: September 29, 2023
Directed by: Charlie Haskell, Michael Hurst
Written by: Becca Barnes, Alwyn Dale
Produced by: Becca Barnes, Alwyn Dale
Executive Producers: Simon Bennett, Olivier Dumont, Haim Saban, Kari Rosenberg
Cast: Hunter Deno, Russell Curry, Kai Moya, Chance Perez, Tessa Rao, Jordan T. Fite, Jacqueline Joe, David Yost
Lord Zedd has escaped, and this time his rampage extends to the farthest reaches of space! The Rangers need to find new Zords and new powers to face Zedd’s latest threat, and they won’t do so alone. Joined by some familiar faces, they will discover the power of the Cosmic Orbs and become the Cosmic Fury Rangers, armed with new uniforms, new weapons, and an entirely new fleet of Zords! Go Go, Power Rangers!
All 10 episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be out on September 29th on Netflix. Will you be watching? What are you looking forward to? Let us know on social media. Follow us so you don’t miss any Power Rangers content like this, we’re always watching.
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