
Thor: Love And Thunder Will See Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster Gain Different Powers Than The Odinson

In a recent interview, Natalie Portman explained that Jane Foster’s powers would be slightly different than Thor Odinson’s in Love and Thunder.
Thor Natalie Portman

Natalie’s Portman’s incarnation of Marvel’s Jane Foster will finally become the second Thor in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Fans of both Portman and the MCU are excited for Jane in becoming the titular superhero in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder film.

However in a recent online interview from The Kelly Clarkson Show, Portman explained that her character’s powers would be slightly different than Odinson’s. Portman also explained in the interview that her character would be called The Mighty Thor in the upcoming film.

Natalie Talks Jane Foster As Thor

female thor comic

In the virtual interview, Kelly Clarkson asked Portman about what kind of powers will Jane Foster have. Portman explained that she will indeed have powers similar to Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, but with her own twist on the matter. Portman couldn’t elaborate more on what kind of powers her rendition of the Asgardian hero will have, but in the comics Jane Foster wields the hammer Mjolnir and gains the powers of Thor.


While wielding Mjolnir in the comics, Jane has all of the same powers, including: superhuman strength, speed, flying, being impervious to some damage, and the ability to control lightning. However, Jane was able to throw and control Mjolnir in a more sophisticated way than her predecessor. We will have to wait in what special powers Portman hinted or teased for her character.

Jane Foster has come a long way in the MCU. Portman’s MCU portrayal of Jane Foster began with the first Thor film that premiered in 2011. She then reprised the role in the sequel The Dark World but hasn’t appeared in new footage onscreen in any other MCU film since.

Her character did appear in Avengers: Endgame, but it was re-used stock footage with Portman reportedly giving voice work to some scenes. Portman’s amazing return to the MCU was revealed in last year’s San Diego Comic Con 2019, when Marvel announced Love and Thunder. With Foster becoming the Mighty Thor and adapting the character’s storyline from the comics, fans should be excited for Love and Thunder.

Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth sequel in the Thor movie film franchise. Ragnarok director Taika Waititi will return to direct and be the screenwriter on Love and Thunder. The film is scheduled to premiere on February 11, 2022. Film production has reportedly already started filming in Australia, and fans can hope that this latest upcoming installment in the MCU will become as successful as its predecessors.

Are you excited for Natalie Portman’s powers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.



Picture of Ryan Bueta

Ryan Bueta

Just an average person that loves all thing Pop Culture. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science In Public Health at California State University Northridge. Was exposed to Pop Culture Media in October 2015 at Los Angeles Comic Con (Formerly Stan Lee's Comikaze). Started being involved in the Pop Culture journalistic world by interviewing Power Rangers Actors in 2016. Then I created my own Social Media Outlet called Morphin Network where me and my team interview former Power Rangers actors, and report Power Rangers related news. Now currently I am a creative writer for the Illuminerdi