Bryce West

Bryce West is a writer/producer and a grad student at the University of Southern Indiana. West created his first television program at the age of 18 titled, The Film Reel. The Film Reel is a movie and TV talk show that has ran from 2019-present on News Channel 15 in Mt. Carmel, IL.

Power Rangers Dino Fury Episode 1 Review: Destination Dinohenge

Power Rangers is officially back with Power Rangers Dino Fury, and it comes back in morphenomenal fashion with “Destination Dinohenge”! Power Rangers Dino Fury Episode 1: “Destination Dinohenge” The episode introduces us to three of the new Rangers Zayto, Amelia, and Ollie; the Red, Pink, and Blue Rangers respectively. Amelia and Ollie both meet in…

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justice league zack snyder cut

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Gets An Official Debut Date and 3 New Posters

The long-awaited Zack Snyder’s Justice League now has an official release date and three new posters to get fans excited before the film’s release on March 18th. It has been long speculated that the film will be released sometime in March, but now we have official confirmation from the film’s social media accounts. RELATED: JUSTICE LEAGUE…

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