Bryn Darby

Long time fan of Tokusatsu fan since Power Rangers was first released in the 90s. Whereas most Superhero fans grew up with DC Comics and Marvel, my childhood was surrounded by releases from Saban Entertainment such as Beetleborgs, along with anime, and other various fads of the generation. Anime is also a great passion with Digimon, That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, and Demon Slayer being significant favorites. It was the love of both Power Rangers and Digimon that led to the path of becoming a Senior Writer for The Illuminerdi.


Crunchyroll Celebrates World Cup with Spectacular Soccer Anime

Crunchyroll has fantastic anime to enjoy in celebration of the FIFA World Cup this year, which includes a range of soccer-based titles. The sport is the focus around the world as the kick-off begins between teams from around the world and shows have been highlighted to share the hype. These include fantastic titles from BLUELOCK! to FUTSAL BOYS!!!!!, and many amazing shows feature the sport loved and supported by fans globally.  

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New KingOhger Rumor Of Colors Clash For Two Rangers For The 47th Sentai Season

New KingOhger rumors clash regarding the colors and identity of two Rangers in the upcoming series. The 47th installment of the Super Sentai franchise has been confusing sources as accent colors confuse what Rangers fans can expect from the new Ranger team. These new rumors from Rangerboard’s Dukemon suggest a different arrangement for the Yellow and Black Rangers for the Royal insect Ranger team. Although this rumor is new, the confusion could still mean that either rumor could be true but here is the latest regarding the Rangers in the new Sentai series.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Starlight Studios

Starlight Studios Replicates The Unique Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Communicators

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1995 movie communicators have been replicated by Starlight Studios, allowing fans of the movie to obtain the item. The Communicator was redesigned for the movie but was often seen as an obscure addition. Starlight Studios have perfectly recreated the 95’ movie device in all 6 colors, plus a green Ranger…

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