We at The Illuminerdi are proud to bring you some exclusive information about the upcoming The Suicide Squad spin-off, Peacemaker.
Christopher Smith, aka Peacemaker, is a DC comics character set to appear in James Gunn’s reboot/pseudo-sequel to the DC supervillain franchise, The Suicide Squad, which is expected to debut in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6th, 2021. Wrestler and actor John Cena will portray Smith in both the film and the prequel TV series starring his character.
The eight-episode HBO Max series was announced back in September. At the time, all that was revealed was Cena’s casting, James Gunn’s involvement as writer and head director, and the prequel status of the project. In the months since the original announcement, more Peacemaker information has slowly trickled out.
All The Players In Peacemaker So Far

We know that Steve Agee (Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2, New Girl) will appear in Peacemaker, reprising his role as John Economos from The Suicide Squad. Economos works as an aide to Amanda Waller, head of the Suicide Squad. Whether or not Agee will reprise his second film role as the motion-capture actor for King Shark remains to be seen.
Chris Conrad will portray the antagonist of the series, namely Adrian Chase, AKA The Vigilante. Chase worked as a NYC district attorney before his family was killed by the mob. After their deaths, he used his superpowered healing factor and combat expertise to dole out “justice” as Vigilante.
Like Steve Agee with John Economos, Jennifer Holland will be playing the same character in Peacemaker as she does in The Suicide Squad.Holland plays NSA Agent Emilia Harcourt, an operative who works alongside the organization A.R.G.U.S. to keep Task Force X in line.
Is Peacemaker Casting Judomaster and Sarge Steel?
Today, we at The Illuminerdi are proud to bring you exclusive information about two characters who will play a role in Peacemaker.

Casting is currently underway for a male in their 50’s-60’s to play a character named “Murn”. Murn is strong, tough, a true leader. While Murn may be a new character created for the series, we suspect that name is merely a placeholder. Our best guess is that Murn is in fact the character known as Sarge Steel. A special agent and government operative with a metal hand, Steel was featured in the animated film Batman & Harley Quinn, voiced by John Dimaggio.
Furthermore, the Peacemaker team is looking for a male in their 20’s-40’s with stunt and/or martial arts expertise to play a martial artist who we theorize is Judomaster. The role is open to actors of any ethnicity, as long as they are 5’6 or shorter. The character is described as an extremely small and gifted martial artist, who is very fast, but not very quick-witted. The role requires a heavy amount of action work.
In the source material, the original Judomaster was an American soldier who was taught the art of Judo after he rescued the daughter of a Pacific island chief. He had a sidekick named Tiger, and like Peacemaker and Sarge Steele, was folded into DC Comics continuity after DC obtained the rights to most of Charlton Comics’ superheroes.

While it is not exactly clear how these characters will factor into the story, I theorize that these two will join Christopher Smith and Leota Adebayo in the DCEU’s version of “Project: Peacemaker“, which would be a predecessor to Task Force X. Murn/Sarge Steel seems as though he could be a benevolent father figure to Peacemaker, though again, this is just speculation on my end.

Are you excited to possibly see Judomaster and Sarge Steel in Peacemaker? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on our social media!