Critical Role’s Campaign 2 came to a glorious end earlier this month and fans are eagerly awaiting the next epic tale in Campaign 3. But before Critical Role begins the next massive adventure, a new show will be gracing Critters’ screens with Exandria Unlimited. A new mini campaign spanning 8 episodes this summer. Joining the table will be new and familiar faces as players and a new Game Master will be joining the table.
The video that announces the new show includes beautiful stained-glass style art depicting important moments from the first two campaigns along with voice over of memorable lines from the characters. But one of the moments that stands out is when Matt Mercer says, “In this realm there are unlimited stories to be told.” And Aabria Iyengar finishes the statement “And just as many story tellers to tell them.” This moment signifies what Critters will get to see in Exandria Unlimited.
Exandira Unlimited will include Critical Role’s own Liam O’Brien, Ashley Johnson and Matt Mercer, but this time Matt will get the chance to be a player instead of his regular role as Game Master. Two new players joining the group are voice actors Aimee Carrero (She-Ra And The Princesses of Power, Elena of Avalor) and Robbie Daymond (Marvel’s Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, Sailor Moon) along with the new Game Master Aabria Iyengar.

“When we were talking about wanting to find a new GM to have this space to tell their story, Aabria was, hands down, all of our first choice.” – Ashley Johnson
The new Game Master for this mini-campaign, Aabria Iyengar, will be familiar to some Critters having appeared on the hilarious Narrative Telephone, the heart warming series Critter Hug, and the Elder Scrolls Online One-Shot earlier this year. Aabria will be expanding the story of Exandria, the world that Matt Mercer built, set 30 years after the events of Campaign 1 and 10 years after Campaign 2.
The new mini-campaign will be set in Tal’Dorei specifically the capital city of Emon, at least to start, which will be a familiar setting for those who have watched Critical Role Campaign 1. During Critical Role’s first campaign Emon was one of the locations attacked by the Chroma Conclave, a group of chromatic dragons who planned to rule the world.

And although Exandria Unlimited is set 30 years later, it seems Emon will still have scars from the devastation wrought by the dragons. In Critical Role’s What You Need To Know Before Watching Exandria Unlimited, a helpful guide for new and longtime fans, they explain, two areas in the city are still impacted by Thordak, the ancient red dragon of the Chroma Conclave, the Cloudtop District and the land outside Emon’s walls.
“the Cloudtop District, where Thordak’s Crater contains a smoldering entrance to fiery caverns below, and the outskirts of town, where the Scar of the Cinder King still wounds the land outside Emon’s walls. These sections are mostly healed, but even the Fire Ashari’s powerful elemental magic have not fully returned the areas to normal.”
Considering how tied this city is to Critical Role’s Campaign 1, which Liam O’Brien, Ashley Johnson, and Matt Mercer were all a part of, it will be thrilling to see the new adventure and how it could tie to Critical Role’s first. At the end of the State of the Roll video Matt did assure Critters that Campaign 3 is happening and teased that news about it will come towards the end of the summer.
With so much Critical Role content in the form of not only the classic stream, but comic books, an upcoming novel, and the highly anticipated animated series The Legend of Vox Machina experiencing a new show this summer will be a welcome adventure that will further build out the world that Critical Role has created.

Exandria Unlimited premieres June 24, 2021 at 7pm Pacific on Critical Role’s Twitch and YouTube channels VOD is available immediately after on Twitch for subscribers and available on YouTube Monday June 28 at 12 pm Pacific. The podcast version of the show will be available the following Thursday, July 1 at 5am Pacific.
What do you think about Critical Role’s new mini campaign Exandria Unlimited? Are you excited to see Matt as a player and a new GM? Leave your thoughts in the comments below or on our social media and check back with The Illuminerdi for more Critical Role news.