Naomi Watts stars in another survival thriller based on real-life events. Does Infinite Storm stand out in the masses of survival movies? Read more in our review down below:
Naomi Watts is back in the survival genre. Eleven years after her Oscar nominated turn, alongside Ewan McGregor and Tom Holland, in the based on a true story drama The Impossible, she returns to the genre in Infinite Storm. The Impossible was a universally beloved, exciting, yet heart wrenching drama. Unfortunately, Infinite Storm is neither of those things, as the newest survival drama feels empty and simply boring.
The film follows Pam Bales on one of her many climbing trips on the Mt. Washington. Things will take a dramatic turn when a snow storm arrives close before she reaches the summit. And when she encounters a stranded man on her way down, she has to outgrow herself, to get them into safety.
Infinite Storm Needs More Fire

Most of the times, based on a true story films make for some compelling stories as it shows audiences incredible scenarios, which they can’t believe actually happened. Survival dramas are one of those, as they show situations most people (luckily) will never have to experience, but these films show how actual people reacted in those situations, which often leads to compelling stories and great films. Infinite Storm is an exception.
Malgorzata Szumowska’s latest film just doesn’t has anything interesting to offer. The true event doesn’t make for a captivating screenplay as the story just flows very linear. There is no sense of dread or “real” excitement, as it’s easy to say where the story will go, even if you haven’t heard anything about the true event. The screenplay rely on the basis, that the audiences care for the two leading characters, but on the same not doesn’t give them anything in that department.
The characters are shallow. Naomi Watt’s get the standard “backstory”, but just for the sake of having it. The film doesn’t do anything with that and while I can’t confirm, if that is part of the true event side of the film, if it is, there definitely should have been ways to incorporate it in a more emotionally meaningful way.
Looking at the film’s visual language, there is no denying that the shots of the snowy mountians on a grey morning look pretty gorgeous, but that is about all there is to it. The camera normally stays close to our characters, to keep the audience emotionally invested, but that trick doesn’t fully work as this only points at the lack of characterization in the screenplay. Other than that the camera feel very cold, just like the whole nature of the film. Steady and at times a bit distant, the camera work never fully wants to work as all relies on the audiences investment and the film just does so little to earn it.
It is worth mentioning that Naomi Watts does deliver a fairly solid performance. She is fully committed to the role and tries her best with what she was given. But that also reminds us that she can be way better if given more to do, for example in The Impossible and she even was mostly stuck in a bed for most of that film. She can do a lot in the survival drama genre, but she also needs something to work with and this film proves that “based on a true story” doesn’t automatically mean that there is enough.

Infinite Storm never fully worked for me, as I was at no point invested in the characters and after many snow storm survival films, there is just no reason for one to watch this one, as this premise has been done multiple times before, mostly for the better. While Pam Bates rescue was an extraordinary heroic act, Infinite Storm never achieves to resemble that.
Infinite Storm is now playing in theatres.
It was directed by Malgorzata Szumowska and stars: Naomi Watts, Denis O’ Hare and Billy Howle.
What do you guys think of Infinite Storm? Are you planning to watch it? Have you seen it already, if so how did you like it? Let’s discuss everything in the comments down below and on our Social Media.