
Why WWE Wants Jeff Hardy Back Despite Polarizing Disappearance

Why the WWE wants Jeff Hardy back in the ring.
Jeff Hardy

Why the WWE wants Jeff Hardy back in the ring.

How the Whole Jeff Hardy Thing Started

Back in December, we reported that WWE released Jeff Hardy after refusing drug treatment. It would seem that the story was still developing and wasn’t as accurate as the unified press would have you believe. As we reported At the event Jeff Hardy teamed with Drew McIntyre and King Xavier Woods. Hardy tagged in McIntyre and then disappeared from ringside. Reports are he was sluggish during the match.

It isn’t known if he just left ringside after he tagged out or if he was told to go to the back. Most likely he was pulled from the match. Jeff Hardy was sent home and replaced the following day in a six-man-tag match by Rey Mysterio against The Bloodline [Roman Reigns and the Usos]. Matt Hardy later stated that he didn’t feel like Jeff needed rehab at that moment, and that he was in a good place in his life. That was an interesting tidbit to remember for later. 

How It’s Going

Something exciting was announced on January 18th, 2022. After a month of speculation, Big Time Wrestling announced that The Hardys will be reuniting at their event in Webster, MA on March 12th. It was also recently announced that The Hardy Boyz will be teaming up at the Patriotic Wrestling Federation event in Clover, SC on March 19th. These announcements were just told to the public but we do have reason to believe that industry insiders were aware of this for quite some time. Out of all those that knew, we’re looking at one in particular.

In an update, the Wrestling Observer reports that WWE Talent Relations head John Laurinaitis called Jeff Hardy a few weeks back to talk about possibly bringing him back, and offered to put him into the 2022 Hall of Fame Class. Hardy reportedly turned the offer down and asked for his drug test results from when he was released in December because he knew he wasn’t going to test positive for any recreational drugs.

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It took Hardy and his wife Beth six weeks to get the results back. This was the tidbit I told you to remember from earlier. So the big question and confusion comes from the question of what happened at that WWE house show that led them to release Jeff Hardy. If Hardy was accused of doing drugs, and he didn’t do any drugs; what the flub is going on? 

What Does the Future Hold?

It does seem that WWE has realized they need Jeff Hardy and can’t lose him to AEW on March 9th when his 90-day non-compete clause expires. If that happens he will team up with his brother there, reform the Hardy Boyz and have a feud with almost anyone with their tag team division. Imagine the dream match of the Hardy Boyz vs the Young Bucks, and this time it’s not the classic first-time match from NorthEast Wrestling or the memorable ladder match at ROH where the Hardy Boyz took on the Bucks of youth, this time it’s the seasoned veterans and the kings of the mountain facing off in their own backyard, their own company for Kahn’s sake.

We could get The Hardy Boyz vs The Lucha Brothers, or the Varsity Blondes. There are so many options. Hell, we could get amazing singles matches aswell. Jeff Hardy vs Christian, Jeff Hardy vs Darby Allen, Jeff Hardy vs Sammy Guivera and last but certainly not least we could get a fatal 3-way with Jeff, Christian, and Sammy. The possibilities are endless and that is the worry that WWE must have. As far as tag teams, trios, and factions; AEW is killing the game, so adding Jeff to the mix and allowing him to reunite with his brother will change the landscape for inventive bookings and innovative role responsibilities that they missed with Jeff.

wwe boy

Do you think Jeff Hardy will return to the WWE? Are you excited to see the Hardy Boyz reunite? What about the Dudley Boyz? Let us know what you think in the comments below or on our social media.

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Daniel Jerome

Freelance Journalist Content Producer, Onscreen Talent, Moderator, Host, and Resident Blovian (Black-Whovian) for the Illuminerdi. Carefully written fact-checked essay in the streets, and irresponsibly unmoderated comments section in the sheets. Tweet it, repeat it, you can delete it; don't give a flub, 'cause we will all see it.