Bryn Darby examines the role of Solon as an ally character and how she’ll appear in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
The Cast of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury has finally revealed previews for the remaining weapons, previously teased in the art. These include the first look at the Red Ranger and the Gold Ranger weapons, which have yet to be shown. The other weapons for the series have been revealed by posts on social media, but the new image suggests one of the weapons may be a different type than expected. Here is the full analysis of the reveal shared in celebration of Green Ranger, Tesso Rao’s birthday.
More posts from the cast of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury have revealed a better look
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will feature a new look for the Dino Fury Rangers as they continue with their new adventure in space. Previously, fans have been treated by the reveal of the Green, Gold, and Blue Rangers from the new series coming in 2023. Each Ranger has been given a brand-influenced design, with a new Morpher and new Dino-Themed weapons exclusive to the Power Rangers franchise. Little is known regarding the transformation of the team as details remain behind closed doors until the new series airs.
Grab your morphers Ranger Nation, The 30th anniversary of Power Rangers is closer than ever, and of course, the Hasbro Pulse team is here to kick off their celebrations.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is one of the most highly anticipated shows, which will feature the new Cosmic Fury Morpher for the Rangers. This Morpher has been shown in art revealed of the new suits the Rangers will be upgraded to for their new mission in space. The Rangers of the show will keep the same motifs seen in Power Rangers Dino Fury, but as revealed by Simon Bennett, there are aspects of the show that adapt from the Super Sentai Series, Kyuranger.