Peacemaker got pretty deep into production before casting the role of Vigilante according to James Gunn.
Peacemaker actor Chukwudi Iwuji has officially joined the production of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.
The Suicide Squad director James Gunn recently spoke out regarding an early potential ending for the R-rated comedy, an ending that was deemed too dark for, *checks notes*, The Suicide Squad.
Peacemaker, James Gunn’s upcoming HBO Max DC TV series, received its first full length trailer at the DC Fandome panel.
James Gunn has teased development on a new mystery DC project, The Illuminerdi breaks down 7 characters that would be perfect for the filmmaker.
The Illuminerdi breaks down everything we know about Peacemaker and what it could mean in anticipation of DC Fandome and the first teaser trailer for the HBO Max series.