In an interview with It’s Gone Viral, Sandra Bullock and Daniel Radcliffe were asked about the iconic superhero Wolverine.
it would appear that none other than the spellbinding sequel’s screenwriter Michael Waldron will be helming a new X-men project for Marvel Studios.
A La Brava creator Kayden Phoenix talks about the importance of representation in the superhero genre and which animated superhero shows got her hooked on the genre.
One of the lead creative minds behind Moon Knight is celebrating the show’s debut, but he may also be looking ahead to future projects: namely X-Men.
Could Patrick Stewart’s Doctor Strange 2 appearance mean a cameo from James McAvoy is in the cards? He says no.
As is being made clearer and clearer after the new Super Bowl trailer, Marvel’s Illuminati is set to make an appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.