If you think that Zack Snyder’s Justice League would actually be cancelled by Warner Brothers at this point in the game, you aren’t paying enough attention.
This article is going to have the small bit of important news you’re looking for, the explanation behind the headline, but it’s also going to contain a good amount of heavily editorialized speculation and possibly some degree of ranting on my end in regard to Zack Snyder’s Superman trilogy closer.
Here’s Why Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer Is Down
Having got that out of the way, the reason that the DC Fandome trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League was taken down due to rights issues with the music, specifically Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”. This issue will likely be resolved in short order, at which point the trailer would be reuploaded. As additional filming progresses, we can likely expect further trailers, TV spots, and other promos as Zack Snyder’s Justice League‘s 2021 release window draws closer.
HBO Max has removed August's trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League over music rights issues, but it will likely go back up on YouTube once the issue is resolved
— Aaron Couch (@AaronCouch) November 2, 2020
This really wasn’t a big deal, although it was a little bit strange. Why a massive conglomerate like WarnerMedia wasn’t intelligent enough to retain the rights to the music in the trailer for their most anticipated upcoming project (except arguably Matt Reeves’ The Batman) is anyone’s guess. Nevertheless, mistakes happen and if Aaron Couch of The Hollywood Reporter is to be believed, that is all this was.
The Snyder Cut Was Never Cancelled
Now, lets get down to business discussing why we’re even talking about why The Snyder Cut is not cancelled in the first place. First of all, I think fans are mistaking the story behind Josstice League as precedent for the project going under, thus making the possibility of cancellation at this stage feasible in the first place. This is illogical, as Warner Brothers did not plan for Josstice League to be the massive failure it was, much like how Disney did not plan on Solo’s painfully underwhelming box-office performance.
Secondly, you have certain reporters, writers, and journalists stoking the flames of panic in response to this news. Take, for example, Grace Randolph of Beyond The Trailer. The popular entertainment news/gossip channel on Youtube has approximately 900K subscribers and when the woman behind the “news” periodically tweets out inflammatory statements such as these, the uninformed masses who follow her perpetuate her unethical and misinformed reports.
The impact and reach that news outlets like Beyond The Trailer, Deadline, and The Hollywood Reporter have cannot be ignored or downplayed, as they all have a powerful ability to affect the conversation within the fandom. Our Illuminerdi acolytes are amazing, and we truly adore every single reader that comes our way, but the truth is that we don’t get the views of someone like Grace Randolph, or any of the trades.
When you see misinformation being spread by a widely recognized news outlet, we would ask that you stand up for truth and integrity, as we strive to do here at The Illuminerdi. The search for honest, entertaining and insightful news is my highest goal as a writer for this team, and I feel compelled to speak out when I see my peers behaving in a manner that does not uphold those same values.
Ray Fisher Vs. WarnerMedia

Soapbox speech concluded.
Back to the topic at hand, we need to address the elephant in the room, specifically the Ray Fisher element. Ray Fisher’s battle against Geoff Johns, Joss Whedon, and Jon Berg has been chronicled for months now.
From his declaration that (and I’m paraphrasing here) “somebody told me that Whedon specifically lightened the complexion of an actor of color in his version of the film” and the subsequent drama and controversy that ensued. All the way back to his initial accusations of Whedon’s “Gross, abusive, unprofessional and completely unacceptable” on-set behavior back in July, this battle has been raging for months, and there have been plenty downright hilarious and shocking reveals along the way.
Fisher’s Rage Is Justified, But His Response Is Not
Now before I continue to casually and perhaps callously analyze the drama between Ray Fisher and WarnerMedia, I want to make two things very clear. First and foremost, it is my opinion that Ray Fisher was deeply screwed over by the studio. He claims that every scene in Josstice League – save one – is a Whedon reshoot, and that must have been incredibly upsetting to the young rising actor.
But that’s Hollywood.
Right or wrong, that’s the way things are sometimes. In the past, I’ve spoken at length about how unethical it was of WB to finish the original cut of Justice League in the manner that they did, and I stand by that. I also acknowledge that sometimes, the system wins.

By going on Twitter rants, putting inflammatory statements based on hearsay on the record (through Forbes, no less), and handling this injustice in the manner he has, Fisher has done nothing but cause trouble for WarnerMedia and his own future career. Both parties appear as unhinged, unprofessional adults acting quarrelling like angry children. I don’t believe WarnerMedia, but I can’t say that I #standwithrayfisher either.
My personal feelings on the matter aside, there are thousands of fans on both sides of the issue here angrily talking about the matter every opportunity that they get. I fully expect those same radicals to come after me for my comments in the last paragraph. Regardless, certain vocal members of the #IstandwithRayFisher community and the group of people who stand opposite them decided that the removal of the trailer for Zack Synder’s Justice League meant Fisher’s actions resulted in the cancellation of the project.
Cyborg Has A DCEU Future…For Now
This is foolish nonsense, and needs to be addressed as such. Fisher’s future rests right besides Snyder. If Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a success, I have no doubt that WarnerMedia will greenlight sequels, (I know they said they wouldn’t, but they also said that reshoots weren’t happening and that was Zack Snyder’s original vision for Justice League.) and if that happens, you can safely bet that Snyder will leverage his power and require Fisher’s involvement in future films/seasons. The two have a strong connection that is well documented, and the value Snyder places on Cyborg in his version of Justice League cannot be understated.
Now, that doesn’t mean his future in something like, say, the upcoming The Flash movie is secure. If he keeps stirring the pot and causing drama, he will likely be cut from any non-Snyder project. While I would have liked to see him in The Flash, the movie is overstuffed as it is, so perhaps he’s done us all a favor.

Maybe a wholly satisfying happy ending is waiting for Ray Fisher, and my speculation is just way off the mark, but I doubt it. Only time will tell how his outspokenness will affect his career in the DCEU and Hollywood at large.
As for Zack Snyder’s Justice League, I can’t wait for it’s arrival. Good, bad, or somewhere in the middle, that beast of a story will be unlike anything the world has seen before. The ramifications it could have on the larger DCEU are massive, and therefore I cannot help but root for it.

Darkseid IS coming…to HBO Max and potentially a theater near you in 2021. Trust me. After all, We Are Always Watching. Let us know your thoughts on Zack Snyder’s Justice League in the comments below or on our social media!