Sentai Jackets Reveals All 6 Ranger Patch Sets for the Fan-made Rescue Series. The Cosplay item for Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue is now available.
Gokkan was revealed as the upcoming 3rd Fortnite Island. The teased land of Ice and Snow from KingOhger will be added by Toei Zuban Lab.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #114 teases the next installment of Darkest Hour. The upcoming issue from Boom! Studios gives fans a sneak preview with a wondrous selection of cover art available.
Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks finally speaks about Power Rangers for the first time. The future of the franchise seems to be in good hands.
Ollie Akana may be an awesome Blue Ranger but an awful boyfriend unworthy of Amelia. We have the evidence to back up this Power Rangers drama.
Power Rangers Reboot currently plans to introduce a Green Ranger as leader. Find out how this would affect the possible Female Red Ranger debut.